Our smart system brings you a relax purchasing experience by offering self-service and cashless transactions which is currently trending in worldwide to support our non-profit aviation education work

🤖 我地提供嘅係自助服務
當產品準備好嘅時候,系統亦會有全自動通知;由於系統係自助方式運作,顧客毋須時刻查詢交付進度,留意番 e-mail inbox 通知即可
🤖 What you will get are self-services.
Please read this guide and note the delivery arrangements then choose the right delivery or self-picking up method before making purchases
An automated notification will be sent when the product is ready. Since the system is operating in self-service method, you don't need to enquire the delivery progress from time to time. Just keep an eye on your e-mail inbox
🎁 喺享受低廉售價嘅同時,希望客人都留意自助智能系統嘅訊息,並預留時間選購,成為負責任嘅顧客。飛行需要經過計劃,添置模擬飛行硬件都一樣
🎁 While enjoying the low prices, we hope that customers will also note any information from our self-service smart system, allow time to purchase and become a responsible customers. Flying requires planning and so does adding new flight simulation hardware
🗣️ 顧客服務 自助智能系統能幫我地專注教學工作,同時讓顧客選購以補貼非牟利教學開支, 並支援模擬飛行社群的發展,選購體驗與現時先進國家零售業嘅分別不大
喺本頁說明同自助智能系統嘅幫助,我地只會喺有需要嘅情況下, 同香港或英國學校假期、特別天氣狀況外嘅日子 參與大家與自助智能系統嘅對話
留意番,大家都唔係睇緊籌款節目,並無 100 條獨立熱線 喺唔同嘅聯絡渠道重覆留言,係唔會令查詢快咗處理💡 |
🗣️ Customer service This self-service smart automated system will help us to concentrate on teaching duties and let customers to make purchases and patron our charity work also to support the development of flight simulator communities
The purchasing experience is more or less the same with what you can see in different advanced countries
We will only participant your conversation with the smart automated system when it is necessary. But we won't do so during school holidays in either Hong Kong or Britain also on adverse weather days
Please also note that your enquiries won't be processed fast if you're leaving the same comment in different channels since it takes more time for us to read them all 💡 |
我地有時都會提供預購產品,俾大家快人一步獲得購買權,當產品抵港後可以即時領取,等候期間售價不變 💨
Sometimes we will offer you pre-order products for reserving purchasing rights with price unchanged then collect your product immediately after their arrival 💨
Products will immediately become pre-order when they sold out, don't miss your chance for bring them home again. You will also see relevant reminders for products which will soon arrive Hong Kong again
⚠️ 請注意:
而所有預購產品的預計抵港日期,均可能受生產進度影響, 交付日期並無附帶保證,顧客付款前應考慮有關風險
尤其是電腦升級產品受全球晶片供應影響,預計抵港日期同樣會隨時更改 |
⚠️ Note :
Estimated arrival dates of pre-order products could be affected by the production progress with no guarantee on the delivery date, careful considerations should be made before payment especially for computer upgrade products which is currently affected by chips supply problem in the globe. Their ETA is subject to change at anytime |
系統都會喺一啲受歡迎嘅產品頁面,顯示產品嘅在庫存量,記住把握時間啦 👋
We will also let you know some popular products may about to be sold, take you time to purchase
Items remaining are updated instantly. Minus numbers means how many customers reserved their purchasing rights through pre-order period. A longer waiting time might be expected if you see many customers are in the queue
如果情況所需,或者大家的確好心急而需要退款嘅話,我地都會照一貫嘅退款政策盡快處理,透明清晰 😉
If you find the situation necessary or customers are feeling a bit hurry and would like to refund, we will handle these request through the standing refund policy which is clear and simple
You also may find the details of product warranty if products are not working as expected
As a non-profit institute connecting flying schools in Britain, it make sense for setting up an office in the South East England. The pace here might really be difference from Hong Kong while all of our colleagues are protected by law and regulations in Britain. We will not tolerate abuse towards our staff, please treat our colleagues with the same respect you would expect to receive 😊