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Thrustmaster 產品的配送進度將稍為延,請預留時間選購 ⏳ | Dispatch time for Thrustmaster products is delayed, please allow more time before purchase ⏳
Thrustmaster 產品的配送進度將稍為延,請預留時間選購 ⏳ | Dispatch time for Thrustmaster products is delayed, please allow more time before purchase ⏳

產品保用 Warranty



然而,人類離能夠生產 100% 完美無瑕嘅產品係仲有啲距離,當有需要嘅話,可能大家就要經呢一頁搵幫手


Thank you for your purchase made via this smart automated system to support our non-profit aviation education work

Human beings, are however, still yet to be able to make products that are 100% perfect. Please refer to information listed here once necessary



1️⃣ 提供訂單編號

2️⃣ 詳細說明產品運作情況,並提供相關圖片



💬 👉 再撳呢道,搵我地傾吓



If your products are not working as expected, customers will be asked to

1️⃣ Provide order number

2️⃣ Describe the product working status in detail and provides any photos related

💬 👉 Then press "chat with us" here


⬇️ ⬇️




1️⃣ 運作欠妥之產品

2️⃣ 《正式收據》電郵

3️⃣ 生產商之保用標籤(如有)



We will start a preliminary support conversion with customers with simple diagnostic steps included. If situation persists, would customers please bring along


1️⃣ Products that is not working properly

2️⃣ Receipt e-mail

3️⃣ Manufacturer's warranty label (if any)

to supplier's designated office and have the products maintenance work arranged there

ℹ️ 特別保養安排:

產品喺維修前,由物流伙伴幫手先送到荃灣免費自取點,請客人喺故障排除步驟後,等候我地進一步嘅訊息 📥


ℹ️ Special warranty arrangement

Products made by 

will be transferred by our logistics partner to Tsuen Wan Free Self Pick-up Point before maintenance. Please wait for our follow-up messages if you have finished initial diagnostics 📥



ℹ️ 特別保養安排:




ℹ️ Special warranty arrangement
Products made by 


have a dedicated support channel set up by the manufacturer for further arrangements


如果你仍然未選購產品嘅話,選購前睇咗《預購及選購說明》先呀,並預留時間選擇 😉

If you are yet to make any purchases, remember to take a look of Pre-order and Order Guide plus take your time to make purchases




As a non-profit institute connecting flying schools in Britain, it make sense for setting up an office in the South East England. The pace here might really be difference from Hong Kong while all of our colleagues are protected by law and regulations in Britain

 We will not tolerate abuse towards our staff, please treat our colleagues with the same respect you would expect to receive 😊

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