T.Flight U.S. Air Force Edition headset
▶ 美國空軍授權產品
▶ 可接駁 PC / Mac、PlayStation®4, Xbox One®*, Nintendo Switch
▶ 美國空軍認證,印有美國空軍專利標誌
▶ 音量調節旋鈕設於耳機蓋上
▶ 耳墊部份採用記憶泡沫,並附有 Gel layer,長時間使用也倍感舒適
▶ 附有線控制器,方便調節麥克風音量和靜音控制
▶ 可拆卸式高性能麥克風,有效隔絕外在雜音
▶️ 香港行貨,一年保養
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▶ Official U.S. Air Force licensed product
▶ For PC / Mac, PlayStation®4, Xbox One®*, Nintendo Switch's connection
▶ On-ear volume knob
▶ Memory foam ear cushions with gel layer for utmost comfort
▶ Mic volume and mute controls on in-line controller for easy access
▶ Unidirectional microphone, designed to target only your voice
▶️ Authroised products in Hong Kong with 1-year warranty