GT Lite
▶️ 專利 Next Level Racing Hubs 更容易及快速調整角度
▶️ 方向盤、波箱及腳踏一併摺合收收藏,無須拆卸
▶️ 車架已包含波箱架 (可安裝左或右手面)
▶️ 座椅透氣度高令玩家長時間使用也不會悶熱焗促
▶️ 支緩巿面上大部份的軚盤及腳踏
▶️ Next level racing hubs allowing quick setup and folding for easy storage
▶️ Gear shifter support included to be mounted on left or right side
▶️ Seat made with highly-breathable fabric to maximize comfort
▶️ Compatible and predrilled for all popular wheels and pedals