A320 Sully Challenge
30 分鐘空中巴士 A320 客機 1:1 模擬器飛行 + 15 分鐘專業簡單教學
重演航空歷史上其中一次經典嘅飛行 - 喺關鍵時刻所有引擎因為鳥擊而死火。 你有無辦法確保 150 名乘客及 5 名機員嘅安全 ? 靠你啦,機長
✅ 由香港國際機場起飛
✅ 剛爬升時所有引擎會死火
✅ 於水面降落或折返機場
🗣 教學語言為本地話或英文,地點為 Aero 320 模擬駕駛艙
30 mins flying in an Airbus A320 1:1 cockpit simulator+ 15 mins professional briefing
Challenge yourself with one of the most extraordinary flights in aviation history. All engines failed by bird strike at the critical phase of flight. Can you save the 150 passengers and 5 crews? Captain, your call
✅ Take off from Hong Kong
✅ All engines failed at initial climb out
✅ Ditching on water or Turning back to airport
🗣 Medium of instruction is either Cantonese or English and the experience will take place in Aero 320 Flight Simulator