DJI Care for Mini 2
DJI Care 售後服務計畫,讓您能夠享受更安心的飛行,無需擔心飛行器的損壞
如果您購買了DJI Care,在服務生效之日起 12 個月內因為正常使用和操作 DJI 飛行器過程中存在的人為原因或意外原因導致的機身及雲台、一體化相機的損失,DJI Care 將幫您支付相應的維修費用
The DJI Care Protection Plan is a service plan that provides you with peace of mind, covering damage to your DJI aircraft, gimbal or camera sustained during normal use
During DJI Care’s period of validity, if accidental damage occurs during normal use, repair fees and related costs will be covered by DJI