Wheel Stand 2.0
▶️ 鐳射切割架身
▶️ 較上一代車架提供更多調較位置
▶️ 底部設有平台可放入座椅或電競椅腳,以防駕駛時跆滑
▶️ 可加裝 NLR GT Seat Add on(需另購)
▶️ 支緩巿面上大部份的軚盤及腳踏
▶️ Foldable design allows easy storage
▶️ Next level racing® game chair cradle prevents gaming seat from sliding away under heavy braking
▶️ Full range of adjustability for wheel and pedal plate
▶️ Compatible with next level racing® gtseat add-on to be turned into a full cockpit
▶️ Compatible and predrilled for popular wheels and pedals