A320 Paro Valley
30 分鐘空中巴士 A320 客機 1:1 模擬器飛行 + 15 分鐘專業簡單教學
位於海拔高 7332 呎的高原,帕羅機場四週由喜馬拉雅山高達 18,000 呎嘅山脈包圍。至今亦只有八位飛行員,合資格降落喺機場上呢條短過 2,000 米嘅跑道
✅ 由帕羅機場起飛
✅ 人手控制目視離場
✅ 人手於山谷進場及降落
🗣 教學語言為本地話或英文,地點為 Aero 320 模擬駕駛艙
30 mins flying in an Airbus A320 1:1 cockpit simulator+ 15 mins professional briefing
Highly elevated at 7,332 feet above sea level, Paro Airport is surrounded by Himalayan mountains of more than 18,000 feet. As of today, only 8 pilots have that certification to land on the less than 2,000m runway
✅ Take off from Paro
✅ Manual Visual Departure
✅ Manual Visual Valley Approach & Landing
🗣 Medium of instruction is either Cantonese or English and the experience will take place in Aero 320 Flight Simulator