A320 Free Flying
15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 分鐘空中巴士 A320 客機 1:1 模擬器飛行 + 15 分鐘專業簡單教學
坐埋位、渣住 Sidestick,飛得啦!超過 10,000 個機場 + 香港及澳門附近像真場景任你揀,最緊要飛到去你鐘意嘅目的地
✅ 維港低空飛行
✅ 萬里晴空或雷暴飛行任揀
✅ 神秘又驚喜嘅挑戰
🗣 教學語言為本地話或英文,地點為 Aero 320 模擬駕駛艙
Just hop into the seat, take control and fly! Over 10,000 airports are available, with photo-realistic scenery around Hong Kong and Macau. Pick your departure airport and fly to your favourite destination
✅ Low flying at Victoria Harbour
✅ Fly on a perfect day or thunderstorm weather
✅ Mysterious and Surprising Challenge
🗣 Medium of instruction is either Cantonese or English and the experience will take place in Aero 320 Flight Simulator