A320 Fly-by-wire course
於 60 分鐘的地面課程 + 30 分鐘模擬器飛行中體驗電傳操控系統嘅基本操作
✅ 基本空中巴士飛行
✅ 電傳操控特性
✅ 電傳操控正常模式(Normal Law)
✅ 各種飛行保護
🗣 教學語言為本地話或英文,地點為 A320 教學室
Experience the basics and handling of Fly-by-wire system in 1 x 60 mins Ground School + 1 x 30 mins Simulator Training
✅ Basic Airbus Handling
✅ Fly-by-wire system characteristics
✅ Fly-by-wire Normal Law
✅ Flight Envelope and Protections
🗣 Medium of instruction is either Cantonese or English and the experience will take place in A320 teaching room